I love your art style in one of your works! It reminds me of Looney Tunes and Crash Bandicoot!
I love your art style in one of your works! It reminds me of Looney Tunes and Crash Bandicoot!
oh man thanks! ^_^ that means alot!
I like the colors and aesthetics in one of your artworks! It's vibrant and retro! :D
Why does Tokoyami looks like The Baby from Eraserhead? O_o
Really cute skiing picture! Prayers for Pico if he’s alright from his accident.
Awesome artwork!
These are cute clowns!
Cute little dance for this bear!
The way you draw Madness Combat characters as cats reminds me of Swat Kats:Radical Squadron.
Welcome to a crazy and twisted world of Crazy Imp!
Aspiring cartoonist
United States
Joined on 6/15/21